With teenagers, there are SO MANY things that we can’t control!

We can’t control their friends or their music, their grades or their moods. Try as we might, we can’t control their opinions, their faith or their life choices.

Sometimes as parents we put our hearts and souls into trying to control all the things that aren’t really ours to control. When it doesn’t work we end up feeling frustrated and burnt out.

Luckily, there is something that is ALWAYS within our control.

We can always control what we are modeling for them.

If they are struggling with being kind or choosing good friends, we can make sure we are modeling kindness and unconditional love.

When they are mopey or irritable or full of drama, the best thing we can do is to stay in control of our own emotions. We can show them what it looks like to regulate ourselves.

When they struggle with their faith, we can make sure they see a good example of the happiness that comes from living a faith-filled life.

I recommend that you stop putting your energy into trying to control your teen, and start focusing on controlling yourself.

Modeling behavior is more powerful than you know!

When Your Teenager Questions Their Faith

Enter your email below to access this free 13-minute video training! I’ll teach you three things you for sure DON’T want to do when your child is questioning their faith. Then I’ll give you ideas of what you can try instead!

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