I have a random memory from years ago that is still vivid in my mind. My children were little, and we were out in the backyard together playing in the grass.
We heard a hissing noise, and realized that the timer had turned on the drip system to water the grape vines. As the well at the base of the vine started filling up with water, one of the kids stooped down to get a closer look. In excitement, she called us all over to see what was going on.
The little bugs that lived at the base of the vine were all climbing up to escape the water.
We all lay there in the grass, on our stomachs, observing the bugs and cheering for their safety. I remember thinking that I never wanted to forget that moment. I was surrounded by my little ones, with nothing more important to do than lie in the grass together and watch the bugs.
Beautiful moments like that are happening all the time, all around us. But usually we hold our “magnifying glass” up to the wrong things. We tend to focus on things like dishes in the sink, or toys on the floor. And when we choose to zoom in on those things, of course they look like the biggest things in our lives.
I have found that a small, beautiful moment somehow has the power to make up for an entire day of messes, tantrums and noise. But those moments are quiet, tucked away beneath the chaos. It requires an intentional “magnifying glass” to look for them and really zoom in on them.
Elder Uchtdorf has said “no matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it.”
I invite you to get out your magnifying glass and go on a search for a beautiful moment that you can cherish today. Really zoom in and look for something small and beautiful that you hadn’t noticed before. One little moment of beauty and gratitude can really change our hearts. It can increase our joy.
Moments are powerful.