Teaching without words

When my kids were little, they LOVED to ask me questions. They wanted my opinion on anything and everything. Sometimes I had to set the timer for 5 minutes and make a rule that nobody could talk to mommy until the timer went off. I just needed 5 minutes to have my brain to myself, you know?

Today my life looks totally different. Some of my kids don’t want my opinion about ANYTHING! They don’t voluntarily share the details of their lives, and they definitely don’t want me asking too many questions!

One of the problems this creates for me is… how do I teach them effectively if they tune me out every time I begin to share my wisdom??

I’ve tried following them around and lecturing. It wasn’t very effective.

I’ve tried dropping subtle hints and trying to guilt trip them. Pretty sure they didn’t even notice.

I’ve tried taking away privileges in an effort to control their behavior. They just get really good at sneaking around my barriers.

After raising several teenagers, and lots of trial and error, I have found one parenting technique that has never let me down. The one strategy that has never backfired on me is… are you ready for it? LOVE

When they think I am dumb and embarrassing, I can still love them. When they roll their eyes and put in their earbuds, I can choose not to take it personally and still love them. When they reject my advice in favor of learning the hard way, I can love them and be there to comfort when they are hurting.

What am I teaching them? I think that even without many words I am teaching them love. I’m trying my best to model Christ-like love, and letting them learn about it through their experience.

When I stop to think of it, I can’t think of anything I would rather teach than LOVE.


When Your Teenager Questions Their Faith

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