These are strange times. With the Corona virus threatening the world, daily life looks dramatically different than it did a month ago.

Some are choosing faith. Some are overcome with fear. Many of us are experiencing some of both.

I’m choosing to see this time of quarantine and social distancing as a gift. It’s a time to pause and re-group as a family.

It’s like God decided the chaos of the world had gotten out of control, so He called a TIME OUT.

When a coach calls a time out, its a time to call all the players together. To give them new strategies or words of encouragement. A time out allows everyone to catch their breath, re-hydrate, re-evaluate, and return to the game a little more intentionally.

That’s what I’m trying to do with my family. My husband and I are the coaches of this team, and a time out has been called. We are gathering our team together and taking time to strengthen our family bonds. We are prayerfully deciding which strategies will help our team be stronger. We’re offering words of encouragement and trying to help everyone spiritually hydrate. We’re all catching our breath and re-focusing on what is important to us.

And when the quarantine is over, and the world returns to it’s fast-paced game, I hope we will all be well rested and more intentional than ever. I hope our “team” works together in a more loving, more unified way.

I am grateful for this beautiful TIME OUT.


When Your Teenager Questions Their Faith

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