Perfect brightness of hope

I talk a lot here about choosing our thoughts on purpose.  About choosing thoughts that serve us well and help us to be the best version of ourselves.
Here are some of the things I choose to believe, because they bring peace, joy and purpose to my life:
Everything is exactly as it should be.  Nothing has gone wrong here.  I am having the experiences I need to have to become who God wants me to be.  So are my children.  They are learning and growing and becoming.  I never need to worry. Everything is going to be ok in the end.
This week, with Easter coming up, my mind has been focusing more than usual on Jesus Christ.  I’ve been thinking about His atonement and resurrection, and how those things affect my daily life.  
I’ve come to the realization that all of the things that bring me joy and peace in my life are because of Him.  He knows the end from the beginning, and He has a plan for my life.  He has made it possible for me to change and become better.  He has paid the price for all of my (and my loved ones’) mistakes and weaknesses.  Because of His atonement, nothing can go permanently wrong.
It is because of Jesus Christ that I have a perfect brightness of hope.


When Your Teenager Questions Their Faith

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