When Your Teenager Won’t Listen

It can be so frustrating when our teenagers start to tune us out!

Don’t they know we still have so many valuable things to teach them??

Unfortunately, it happens to even the best and wisest of parents. So at least you’re in good company!

Teenagers need to learn to distance themselves from their parents in order for them to become independent, responsible adults. So it is actually developmentally healthy and appropriate for them to stop needing or wanting our input in the details of their lives.

But… we all want to have the kind of relationship with our teens where we can still guide them and support them. We want to be a part of their lives and have an enjoyable relationship.

In today’s episode we’ll talk about what to do when they aren’t listening to us. I’ll give you three things to look at in your own behavior that may help.

The book I reference in the episode is by Gordon Neufeld “Hold on to Your Kids.”

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Check out this episode!


When Your Teenager Questions Their Faith

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